About Us

Enhancing Economic Development & Innovation between Africa & Middle East

About Us

Scheduled for 2025, the Nexus will serve as a dynamic platform for participants to explore ground-breaking investment opportunities and discuss the trends reshaping the region's economies.

the spotlight will be on a comprehensive range of sectors that are vital to the region’s economic growth and transformation.

  • 01. Infrastructure Development

  • 02. Agriculture and Agribusiness.

  • 03. Technology and Innovation.

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Our Mission

serve as a transformative vehicle for the region’s economic evolution, driving impactful conversations and actions. To achieve this, the forum will:


Showcase the Diverse Investment Landscape

By creating a unique platform for businesses and governments to present investment-ready projects, t...

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Facilitate Cross-Border Partnerships and Economic Synergy

East Africa Investment Nexus 2025 aims to break down barriers and encourage seamless collaboration a...

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Highlight Business Environment Reforms and Progress

Recognizing the recent strides made by East African countries in improving the ease of doing busines...

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Build a Strong Network of Global and Regional Leaders

At the heart of East Africa Investment Nexus 2025 is the goal of building a vibrant, interconnected ...

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Our Vision

To transform into the foremost platform for championing sustainable investment, fostering regional economic collaboration, and catalysing business innovation in East Africa, Future Growth Forum/ Enhancing Economic Development & Innovation between Africa & Middle East aspires to be a driving force in unlocking the region's full economic potential. It envisions future where cross-border partnerships, foreign investments, and innovative business practices coalesce to create long-lasting prosperity for the East African community and beyond. Through its unwavering focus on progress and inclusivity, the forum seeks to position East Africa as a global leader in growth and development.

50 +
Unique Workshops
100 +
Event Participants
30 +
Skilled Speakers
32 +
Win Awards

Meet Creative Speakers


Ambassador Joseph Masila

Deputy Director General, Economic Affairs & Commercial Diplomacy Directorate. State Department of Foreign Affairs. Kenya

Mohamed Bahdoon

CEO Tamini Insurance Djibouti

Brian Mogeni

Co-founder & CEO Wowzi

Sumaiya Abdikadir

Youth coordinator East & Central Africa UNEP

Sumayya Hassan

CEO Takaful Insurance of Africa

Salman Alam

CEO Universal Engineering Systems Limited

Munir Ahmed

CEO Business Bay Square (BBS Mall)

Mustafa Ramadan

Vice President Kenya National Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Guleid A Artan

Somalia Permanent Representative World Meteorological Organization

Dr. Abdirahman Said

Program Director Riiro Consultancy Firm

Jabril Ibrahim Abdulle

Somalia Ambasador to Kenya

Ms. Pakinam El Halaby

Member Relations Manager ICCD

Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim

CEO of ICCIA Holding Company

Eng. Ashraf El Tanbouly

CEO. Islamic Chamber Halal Services

Dr. Mohamed Sheha

Commercial Director. Islamic Chamber Halal Services


CEO. Kenya National Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Abdullahi Khalif

Advocate of the High Court of Kenya

Dr. Hassan Bashir

Insurance, Technology & Governance Specialist

Want to Grow your Bussinnes ?

We offers a variety of participation methods, each designed to maximize engagement and create meaningful opportunities for attendees. Whether you're an investor, business leader, entrepreneur, or policymaker, the forum's structured events will provide diverse platforms for interaction, learning, and collaboration

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Why Join

Why You Should Join Our Event ?

Whether you're an investor, business leader, entrepreneur, or policymaker, the forum's structured events will provide diverse platforms for interaction, learning, and collaboration

Visibility and Thought Leadership

Speaking at the forum will position individuals and organizations as thought leaders in their respective fields.

Direct Investor Engagement

An exclusive chance to pitch projects, products, or investment proposals to investors and business executives actively seeking new opportunities in East Africa.

Brand Promotion and Exposure

Exhibitors will have a prime opportunity to engage with hundreds of potential clients, investors, and partners who visit their booth.

Our Partners & Sponsors

International Partners
Media Partners
Trusted Partners

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